Kilmorie School Discos - Year 3 to Year 6
Fri 23 Feb 2024
Lower Hall, Kilmorie School, SE23 2SP
The Kilmorie school discos for Years 3 to 6 are back in the lower hall on Friday 23rd February
There will be 2 discos - please ensure you buy tickets for the correct disco:
Year 3 & 4 from 4.30pm to 6pm
Year 5 & 6 from 6.30pm to 8pm
Tickets cost the same as last year - £3.
As well as a brilliant disco, with DJ Mandy on the decks, there'll be lots of other fun on the night, including games, temporary tattoos, funky face paint, fizzy pop, sweet stall, crisps and popcorn! Prices for most things will range from 50p (juice cartoons, sweets, crisps, game) to £1 (face paint, fizzy pop). Water will be available for free - your child is welcome to bring a refillable water bottle, but please ensure it is labelled with their name.
Please note - we will NOT be serving pizza this year, so please plan to feed your child either before or after their disco.
Please discuss with your child beforehand what they can buy and/or take part in. In particular, if you have not given consent for them to have their face painted and/or a tattoo applied, please make sure they understand this beforehand. Similarly, while we do our best to encourage children to be sensible, if you are concerned about fizzy drink and sweet consumption, please discuss this with your child beforehand. If you have any concerns, please email us at
We will be asking school to provide details of dietary requirements / allergies - again, please get in touch if you have any concerns.
Important - Drop off & Pick Up arrangements
If your child normally attends Kilmorie Wraparound Care on a Friday afternoon, they will be taken by Wraparound staff to whichever disco they are attending. However, you will need to collect them at the end of their disco. Year 3 & 4 children attending the first disco cannot go back to Wrap afterwards.
If your Year 3 or 4 child does not go to Wrap but does attend a Friday after school enrichment club, they will also be escorted to the disco by staff - you do not need to collect them at 4.30pm.
Every child must be collected by an adult at the end of their disco - this includes Year 5 and 6 children who are normally allowed to walk home from school unaccompanied.
Please arrive by 6pm at the latest to collect from the first disco and no later than 8pm to collect from the second disco.
This is a child only event - unfortunately adults are not permitted to attend with their child due to space constraints.
We do need a small number of parent volunteers to help us with face painting and tattoos at the disco, so please email us at if you can help.
Lower Hall, Kilmorie School, SE23 2SP