John Milton and Henry Lawes - a celebration in words and music
Fri 8 Mar 2024 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Stone Cottage, Chalfont St Giles, HP8 4QA
The Friends of Milton's Cottage invite you to join them to celebrate the association between John Milton and composer and singer Henry Lawes
John Milton expressed his admiration for the composer and singer Henry Lawes (1596 - 1662) in a sonnet addressed to 'Mr. H. Lawes, on his Aires'.:
"Harry whose tuneful and well measured Song / First taught our English Music how to span / Words with just note and accent ...
They collaborated on Arcades, performed at Harefield House not far from Chalfont St Giles and Comus. at Ludlow Castle in 1634.
Along with readings from the works of John Milton, we will hear examples of Lawes' music including the five extant songs Comus and Lawes' then hugely popular Ariadne's Lament performed by Betty Makharinsky (Soprano), Kristiina Watt (Lute) and Kate Conway (Bass Viol)
The Friends of Milton's Cottage are very grateful for the help of Vache Baroque in the organisation of this event.
Wine and canapés will be served.
Stone Cottage, Chalfont St Giles, HP8 4QA