Mon 31 Oct 2022 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
90min Online interactive training for HCPs
Live role-play by HCP to demonstrate theory in practice
Personal development is pivotal to our fulfilment and satisfaction of work and life.
Developing our self-awareness, social skills, and emotional resilience leads to more authentic connection with ourselves and others. As you gain a deeper understanding of yourself it will make it easier for you to understand and empathise with others.
Learning Objectives
- Know yourself better, what are your stress behaviours
- Create a purpose from your values
- Understand how to move from DDT to TED
- Create a SMART plan
Each training session is bespoke for the group
We develop the role-play scenario based on the answer YOU give when signing up for the training
Suitable for any HCP who would like to raise their Emotional intelligence, improve emotional resilience, and increase their job satisfaction. To understand the models, we can use to stop being reactive and start living our purpose.