Fuckup Nights - Winter Edition @UNI Lux
Tue 11 Feb 2025 18:30 - 21:30
UNI Kirchberg Campus (6 rue Coundenhove-Kalergi), L-1359 Luxembourg
Hello dear FuN Community !
We are back for a fresh new start in 2025, starting with our first Winter Edition 🍋 featuring 3 new not-to-be-missed entrepreneurs.
Hosted by the Uni Luxembourg, we will be more than happy to hear the experiences of :
- Fräntz Miccoli, with his project Musicloop
- Corentin Kerbiriou, with his health startup Juggle
- Nessim Medjoub, for his travel startup Clickbye
🕖 Programme
✅ 6.30pm Doors Opening
✅ 6:50pm Short intro from the presentators/hoster
✅ 7:00pm Our speakers' failing stories
✅ Not before 8:15pm Networking cocktail 🥂🍕
Places are limited (the room can host +- 80 pers - fyi we were 110 last time), so secure your spot by registering through the blue button ! See you there,
Your FuN organizers Guillaume and Loïck
UNI Kirchberg Campus (6 rue Coundenhove-Kalergi), L-1359 Luxembourg