Organisational Behaviour Change and Sustainable Consumption
Wed 23 Oct 2024 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Future Leap Clifton, BS8 2AP
Join us for the business breakfast focused on Organisational Behaviour Change and Sustainable Consumption. This event will explore how businesses are evolving their practices and strategies to meet the challenge of Net Zero, with a focus on behaviour change across employees and suppliers.
Speakers will cover topics such as:
- Behaviour change within their organisations to support Net Zero Goals.
- Strategies for working with suppliers to align their practices with the businesses objectives.
- Integrating nature restoration and ethical sourcing into Net Zero strategies.
This event provides an excellent opportunity to learn from businesses that have successfully initiated and maintained behavioural changes in support of Net Zero. This session ideal for those looking to advance sustainability in their own organisations.
This event is free to Future Leap members and coworkers, and open to everyone. Attendance includes refreshments and a light breakfast.
Interested in sponsoring this event or one of Future Leap's events? Email us at for more information.
8am – 8:30am – Breakfast and Networking
8:30am – 8:40am – Welcome and Housekeeping
8:40am – 8:50am – Lucy Noon, Agri-Food Supply Chain Consultant at Anthesis Group
8:50am – 9am – Kate Ploughman, Owner, and Emma Dooner, Operations Manager, at Kate's Kitchen
9am – 9:10am - Martha Tembo, Sustainability Officer, Pieminister
9:10am – 9:40am – Q&A
9:40am – 9:50am – 60 Second Pitches
9:50am – 10am – Close
10am – 10:30am – Optional Further Networking
Want to Know More?
If you would like to join our sustainable business community please get in touch via or sign up easily here.
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Opportunities, Suggestions and Conditions
Please note that Future Leap Clifton is not entirely wheelchair accessible. The event space itself is wheelchair accessible, but if you are a wheelchair user please let us know before booking your ticket so we can double check the doorway width for you.
We will share your name, job title & company with the other event attendees for this event only. If you don’t want this information to be shared please let us know when you have purchased your ticket.
The event managers and event sponsors may reach out to attendees in relation to the event, but unless you have opted in for further marketing you will not receive any further marketing emails
We take photos at our events for marketing purposes, if you don’t want your picture taken please let us know in advance.
We carbon offset our events with Gold Standard, you can read about our specific project choice here.
Please let us know at least one week in advance if you require closed captions or have any other accessibility needs.
If you require a complimentary carers/assistant ticket, please email at least one week in advance and we will be happy to support you!
Agenda and speaker changes sometimes happen out of our control. We reserve the right to make these changes at any time.
#wegrowthhub #business #seminar #sustainable #sme #bristol #leadingtheway #bristolbusiness #2024events #2024bristol #ClimateAction #Networking #behaviourchange #netzero
Future Leap Clifton, BS8 2AP