UltrAnahata Reiki - Atlanta 2024
Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Atlanta Airport Marriott, 4711 Best Rd, Atlanta, GA 30337
Many thousands of years ago, our DNA strands were deactivated, rendering our multidimensional aspects useless. We are capable of far more than we have been taught. Receiving this particular modality will expose you to some of those abilities comprised within your multidimensional self. Many are the testimonies of GALIGHTICUS Initiates from around the world who have rediscovered their intrinsic abilities.
Our CREATOR has intended for us to reach a level of mastery over the period of many lifetimes, or simply one. The choice of free will is all yours to choose how much of the mastery you will allow yourself to experience. Happy am I to initiate those who seek more from this lifetime.
Level 1 attunements will be required by anyone who wishes to receive the Level 2 attunements described below:
Please note: If you receive attunements for the online remote treatment that does not qualify to receive the UltrAnahata Level 2 activation. The attunements that are given for an activation are different, and accompany an in-person element. You must have received the in-person activation for level 1 to qualify for level 2.
LEVEL 1 - Kundalini Reiki Activation
- Birth Trauma Reiki
- Past Life Reiki
- Location Reiki
- DNA Reiki
- Diamond Reiki
- Crystalline Reiki
- Primordial Reiki
- Dragon Reiki
- Solar Reiki
- Kundalini Reiki 1 & 2 (this is different than UltrAnahata Levels 2 & 3 listed below. This is the Kundalini Reiki 1 & 2 attunements which the rest of the Reiki modalities listed above are built upon in your consciousness)
*Certification will be given upon completion of activation.
You will be contacted a few days prior to the event via email so that you may receive the REQUIRED attunements necessary for your initiation. Attunements begin Wednesday - August 28th 2024. These attunements are done in the privacy of your own home or hotel room prior to the event. We will see you in person on Saturday August 31st, 2024 at the event!
Please note, it is suggested that you drink at least a half a gallon of water daily during the days you are doing your attunements. For maximum results, you should refrain from smoking, cursing, drinking and exposing yourself to unfavorable energies that may take your focus off of the energies that will be moving through your consciousness during the attunements.
Please be advised that SALES END for Level 1 - Kundalini Reiki 11:59 pm EST - Tuesday August 27th, 2024.
LEVEL 2 - UltrAnahata Reiki Activation
For those who have attended a previous Kundalini Reiki Activation or will participate in the Level 1 - Kundalini activation at this event with Sri Master Gano Grills, you qualify to register for Level 2 - UltrAnahata™ Last day to register is Tuesday, August 27th 2024 11:59pm
- Diamond Chrysalis™
- Aquaas [Aqua] reiki™
- Angelic Reiki™
- Odinic™
- Platinum Buddha™
- Qualieent™
- Human Default™
- Pyramid™
*Certification will be given upon completion of activation.
LEVEL 3 - UltrAnahata Reiki Activation
For those who have attended a previous Kundalini Reiki Activation or will participate in the Level 1 & 2 - Kundalini activation at this event with Sri Master Gano Grills, you qualify to register for Level 3 - UltrAnahata™ Last day to register is Monday, August 26th 11:59pm
- Diamond chrysalis™
- OMRI-TAS Violet ray™
- T-ON-IR 1st eye™
- Buddhaverse™
- Ob-Tur Rainbow™
- Sohn-tuaas Exodus™
- Lon-mureos Celestion™
- Love-Light divine™
*Certification will be given upon completion of activation.
Please note: If you would like to register for UltrAnahata levels 2 & 3 at the same time please email events@galighticus.com.
The Creator Gods that fashioned our current form also Unplugged our 12 strand DNA leaving us 97% dormant, hence the scientific term Junk DNA. As a result, Humanity as a whole is 13,000 years behind our Evolutionary schedule. This is a grave condition to be in. Our Ancients left their children (us), Megaliths, teachings, clues and signs as to what we should do in order to wake up from our deep slumber. The Kundalini Reiki form is one of the many keys that unlock the dormant faculties within you. It is no different from when off world beings came from our future to offer us the Ankh, Caduceus, and many other technologies that speed up human advancement. I like to analogize the Kundalini Reiki form as the simplest and most powerful form of Reiki, as the Droid or iPhone is to a regular cell phone or landline phone. Kundalini Reiki is EXTREMELY POWERFUL and I AM deeply humbled to bare this blessing.
Our ancients taught us that the Kundalini serpent sits in the base chakra waiting to be awakened, so that it may awaken You.Having this energy in your system is a giant step towards you becoming a higher being. It will also allow you to heal yourself, loved ones, clients, animals, karmic disturbances, situations, etc. It will not interfere with any of your current beliefs, modalities or practices. Yet it will enhance any energy exchange. Doctors, Nurses, healthcare providers, Veterinarians, Trainers, Therapists can all amplify the positive results of their work with use of this practice.
TEHUTI aka LORD THOTH was very active in Ancient Egypt and it was he who was responsible for taking the Lumerian & Atlantean knowledge and culture and setting up the KHEMITE, EGYPTIAN Empire that produced mental giants and scholars all around the world. They have amplified the level of energies I AM sending to all the initiates due to my few trips to Egypt. The initiates WILL see their past lives, Ancestors and higher selves which can BE quite moving and emotional.
I've initiated people from around the world, travelling to all four corners of the world to initiate those who have incarnated to help cleanse Mother Earth for ascension. I AM looking to initiate as many people as possible so that our dear Mother Gaia does not have to go into a cataclysmic state to RID the darkness from her surface and we won't have to go through a very uncomfortable pole shift. These initiations are Divinely orchestrated in that people have signed up for this PRE-BIRTH! So when you feel drawn to or called to this initiation from a deep level, that is the reason why…Universe has been awaiting your re-acknowledgment to begin THIS training.
Solar Reiki is a reiki modality that will allow the initiate to have an empowerment with the Primordial staff. It is a staff created on the 1st world and has enough power to generate the template to the Golden chariot. This is the ever so coveted Merkaba light body that is the most royal in the galaxy to obtain. Few humans have accomplished achieving this Golden Chariot for it is extremely difficult to cultivate within the human consciousness. This is why the Gods have offered this gift to assist in humanity having this wonderful opportunity to advance into the higher existences that are beyond many of the limitations that humanity has regressed to being comfortable within the confines of.
Aqua Reiki It is a powerful healing way to engage with your own buoyancy as well as healing the worlds level of aquatics.
Angelic Reiki Each user will have a special attunement given by ArchAngel Metatron himself.
I look forward to meeting you,
Thank you Kindly
SRI Master Gano Grills
Event location
Atlanta Airport Marriott
4711 Best Rd, Atlanta, GA 30337
Closest Airport is Atlanta Airport International
IMPORTANT!!! Please read carefully:
This event is for adults 18 and over. A wonderful breakfast and meet & greet will occur at 8am, the activation will begin at 9am. Time is subject to change. We will notify you via email of any changes if possible. Please be advised that the activation is a divinely orchestrated event, therefore, it is impossible to predict exactly when it will end. We advise those that plan to attend make travel arrangements that will allow them to stay in the venue until at least 10 pm if we go over the time listed so you may get all information presented that day. The Galighticus team reserves the right to refuse entry & issue refunds for tickets at our discretion, however, in most cases store credit for a future event will be issued
COVID-19 prevention measures will be enforced. Masks are suggested but not required to enter this event. Please be advised that they must be kept on at all times. We reserve the right to excuse anyone showing COVID-19 symptoms for the safety of our staff and guests. The 6ft. social distancing rule will be in effect during the activation for those who choose that option. However, please keep in mind that certain parts of this activation will require you to be in close proximity to another attendee. In this case, we will be recommending masks me worn. We highly suggest that social distancing be maintained during activation breaks. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the day and temperatures will be taken at the door upon entry. Please be advised that this is subject to change due to current CDC and state regulations. If any changes to this policy should occur, we will notify all ticket holders at once via email.
If the event is cancelled, postponed or you are unable to attend, you will receive a store credit. No refunds will be issued. Notify staff as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation. Email events@Galighticus.com if you have any questions or concerns.
Atlanta Airport Marriott, 4711 Best Rd, Atlanta, GA 30337