Contacting & Energy Exchanges – Playshop for Tasting for All Men
Wed 25 Jun 2025 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Im Neuen Garten, Münchener Str. 9, 85540 Haar
This awaits you:
How can I connect my male energy with love and spirituality?
How can I integrate my male energy in everyday life and feel complete, alive, powerful and at the same time loving and compassionate?
This playshop for tasting is suitable for anyone who identifies as a man, whether a beginner or experienced in energy- and bodywork - for a New Culture of Peace ❤️
Experience in this Playshop for Tasting:
- the ‘5-Step-Program’ to let go and dive deep into your body, to release stress, tensions and ‘bad emotions’, to connect with the spirit, to dive into peace and centeredness, and to start a new life.
- how you can open your ‘Inner Flute’, your secret channel from your pelvis to your crown, with sounds, breathing and visualization.
- how you can connect your male sexual energy with your partner in the so-called ‘U-Breath’.
The harmonic structure of the program will give you a taste of the treasures awakening with the GAY-TANTRA path.
Please bring along to our meeting:
One large towel (bath towel) and a sarong (made of cotton or silk) to wear around your hips, and a blindfold.
Im Neuen Garten, Münchener Str. 9, 85540 Haar