Nature Natters: Adult Wellbeing Group
Multiple dates and times
The Gatehouse, Cliffe Castle, Keighley, BD21 3BG
Wipe away the Winter blues with Nature Natters. Hazel will welcome you to our warm space at The Gatehouse in the stunning grounds of Cliffe Castle. We will start the session with a nature based activity, no previous experience necessary. Make new friends and chat over a cuppa and refreshments. (fresh air and nature connection included). Our schedule up to April can be found below.
26/02/25 - East Riddlesden Hall Nature day
14/03/25 - Full Day Wet Felting course 9.30am - 4.00pm
26/03/25 - East Riddlesden Hall Nature day
04/04/25 - Spring Willow Wreath Making
25/04/25 - Leaf Printing Workshop
Dates for your diaries, available to book in April!
09/05/25 - Sketching in Nature
23/05/25 - Painting in Nature
06/06/25 - Painting in Nature
20/06/25 - Painting and Sketching with natural resources
04/07/25 - Wet Felting and Needle Felting Full day workshop 9.30am - 4.00pm
If you are booking on the East Riddlesden Hall Sessions on the 26th of Feb and 26th of March, we will be meeting at East Riddlesden Hall outside of the shop. Address: Bradford Rd, Riddlesden, Keighley BD20 5EL
The group will be run by
Hazel Thompson from Get Out More, a social enterprise on a mission to help people engage with nature to feel better in mind and body. Sue is a qualified forest school leader.
Free event but places must be booked in advance. If the group is full, please add your name to the waiting list.
Gateway to Nature is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
The Gatehouse, Cliffe Castle, Keighley, BD21 3BG