Get Wood for Turning and Learn How it is Cut
Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
28 Polly Peabody Road, Bedford NH 03110
Get Wood to Turn and Learn How to Cut it
Ron Marcoux has some maple logs that need to be prepared to enter your wood turning shop. While he attacks them with a chainsaw, we will explain the process to the group. We will discuss where to cut the pieces, how to further divide them for efficient use in the shop, and how to end seal them to control drying. The cut pieces will be given to the attendees with the intention they take them home and turn them. Please bring appropriate eye and hearing protection equipment. Voluntary donations may be made for the wood.
The demonstration and distribution will take place at Ron’s Place, 28 Polly Peabody Road, Bedford NH. There is ample parking and restroom facilities are available. The event will occur largely outdoors and may be cancelled in the event of rain. This event is in person only and will not be recorded.
We are exploring the possibility of a future event where attendees bring their own chainsaws and participate in the cutting. This requires more preparation as we find a source of suitable logs and arrange for formal training on the safe use of chainsaws.
28 Polly Peabody Road, Bedford NH 03110