Teamwork Wisdom
Wed 10 Apr 2024 9:00 AM - Thu 11 Apr 2024 4:00 PM EEST
Helsinki, 00100
Why teamwork?
Every, every group tries to collaborate. Depending on the skills and context, the result will be excellent, bland, or dysfunctional.
Learning teamwork enables:
- Getting the work done
- Knowledge creation and innovation
- Sharing workload, competence, and leadership
- Trust, care, and love for the shared space
- Courage and motivation to face challenges as one team
- Broad individual learning
This is a perfect companion for the Certified LeSS Practitioner training.
Who is it for
- Leaders and influential team members, who lead Teamwork in their organizations.
- Coaches and Scrum Masters who train and coach Teamwork.
- Executives and change leaders who want to create an organizational design optimized for Teamwork.
- As a launch workshop for entire teams.
Individuals and interaction - Shaping the culture
- Motivation, trust, and responsibility
- Feedback process, Skilful Dialogue, Nonviolent communication
- Organizational culture and norms
- Conflict resolution exercise
Organizational enablers
- Enabling organizational conditions: Real team, Compelling purpose, Right people, Clear norms of conduct, Supportive organizational context, and Team‐focused coaching
- Analyze the organizational culture exercise
- Enabling teamwork by teamwork-based change
- Teamwork as the antidote for bureaucratic control
Group dynamics - Learning to work as one team
- Leadership and group dynamics in team development
- Essential psychological concepts: power, projection, defenses,
- Dysfunctional teams: Dependency, Happy family, depressed team, narcissistic disturbances, Groupthink, difficult individuals
Caring for the shared mental and physical space
- Learning to share workload, competence, and leadership
- Team launch exercise
- Teamwork in requirement areas, communities, and other organizational units
- Cases and questions.
The training is based on interactive theory inserts, practicing techniques, and analyzing experiences. We will reflect when possible – the trainer's actions may be questioned at any time, and the training group sometimes acts as its own case study.
Maximum 12 participants.
The trainer Ari Tikka
Ari Tikka has experience in developing Teamwork and organizations since the last millennium. The content is drawn from Teamwork research by Richard Hackmann and Susan Wheelan, Coaching, Responsibility Process, Nonviolent Communication, Agile, workplace counseling, and long mentoring in Tavistock and Foulkes' group dynamics traditions. Lately, Ari has done long-term full-time coaching with BMW, Flixbus, Nokia, and the financial sectors.
Helsinki, 00100