Wags and Wine
Sun 9 Feb 2025 6:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate, L0S1J0
Welcome to the first Wine and Wags fundraising event. Hosted by Halfway Home K9 Rescue. This rescue is a registered nonprofit dog rescue. Ran by a group of dedicated volunteers to our furry four legged friends.
We present a fun filled night that will include:
- Complementary glass of wine
- Tour of winery
- Tarot reading
- Music
- Raffles
- Other fun Surprises!
We invite you to help celebrate the rescue and all the animals that have been helped.
To find out more information or to see available dogs for adoption, please follow us on facebook @Halfway Home K9 Rescue
Or Online https://halfwayhomek9.ca/
Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate, L0S1J0