Grand County CO National Public Lands Day 2024
Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM MDT
Various Projects, 80446
Grand County Colorado has the longest continuously running National Public Lands Day (NPLD) in the country. 2024 is our 30th year! We invite you to join us on one of the various projects that are being hosted across our county. There is a project for almost every area of interest and skill level. At the end of the day, bring your family and friends to the NPLD celebration in Rendezvous Event Center in Winter Park beginning at 4pm. There will be live music, a beer garden, informational booths and giveaways. You do not need to volunteer on a project to join the end of day celebration!
Unless otherwise noted, all projects begin at 9:00am and go until 3:00pm. Although it is preferred that volunteers participate for the entire shift, we are happy for any time that folks are willing to give. All volunteers will receive an email the day before the event with specifics regarding meeting location.
Projects to choose from:
BLM Wolford OHV Play Area (Kremmling) - rebuilding buck & rail fencing around the boundary at the Wolford OHV Play Area. We will also be conducting trash cleanup in the region. Level - easy to moderate.
Colorado River Cleanup (Kremmling) - on and off the river cleanup near Kremmling. Level - easy to moderate. If you do not have your own water craft, you will be paired up with someone who has space on theirs. This is a collaborative project with the BLM-Kremmling Field Office and Protect Our Rivers. To insure that there are enough water craft for all who are interested, you need to sign up on BOTH this Ticket Tailor event page AND at: Level: easy to moderate.
CO Parks & Wildlife - Windy Gap Reservoir (Granby) - removal and repair of fencing, spraying and pulling weeds, trimming and removal of some vegetation plus trash cleanup. Level - easy to moderate.
Fraser River Cleanup (Fraser-Winter Park) - Join Headwaters River Journey and Trout Unlimited to cleanup of the Fraser River between Fraser and Winter Park. Conducting trash cleanup along both shore areas of the river. If you have waders, your ability to get items out of the river itself would be a huge help. Level - easy. Family friendly.
Rocky Mountain National Park (Grand Lake) - trail work rerouting the Green Mountain Trail near Kawuneechee Visitor Center outside of Grand Lake. Requires a .7 mile hike into the work site. Work includes using hand tools to move materials and cut trail tread. Level - moderate to strenuous.
Town of Fraser - collection of native seeds for future reseeding projects. Level - easy
Town of Grand Lake - rebuilding the pier at Point Park. This pier needs to be redecked. Project involves removing old decking and installing new materials. Level: easy to moderate.
Town of Grand Lake/Continental Divide Trail Coalition - help brand the downtown boardwalk with the CDT (Continental Divide Trail) blaze. 10am-noon. Level - easy. Family friendly.
Town of Hot Sulphur Springs/Heimbaugh - removal of old fencing to eliminate a hazard for wildlife movement. Level - moderate to strenuous.
Town of Winter Park - trail maintenance and turnpike building in the Confluence Park area. Level - moderate.
USFS Stillwater Pass Area (Grand Lake) - East Trouble some fire recovery work building buck and rail fencing in the Grand Lake area. Level - easy to moderate.
Headwaters Trails Alliance (across from Winter Park Resort) - reworking the boardwalk on the Challenger Discovery Loop that goes over the water pipe on the north side of the trail. Level - moderate.
Party clean up (Winter Park) - assist with final cleanup of music & party event at 7:30pm. May include putting away camp chairs, trash pick up and trash bag collection.
Berthoud Pass Cleanup - SUNDAY PROJECT! Join the Friends of Berthoud Pass in collecting trash at the top of the pass. Level: easy. Open to all ages. 9:00am to noon on SUNDAY with BBQ to follow in the Berthoud Pass parking lot.
Various Projects, 80446