Midsummer Moth Trap and Evening Nature Walk
Sat 29 Jun 2024 8:15 PM - 11:00 PM
Come and join us for an evening at the fantastic High Leas Farm, Riber – Derbyshire’s own regenerative farming and wilding project – to learn a bit about the weird and wonderful world of Moths and enjoy a night time stroll about the farm watching out for Bats, Owls, Badgers and Deer before returning to the farm yard to see what Moths we have caught.
We will gather from 8.15pm to enjoy a warm drink while local Moth expert Steve Thorpe tells us a bit about the Moths that we might expect to find.
June is heading towards the peak of moth activity and a great month to find some fabulous moths. June specialities include the Hawk-moths which are colourful, big, impressive creatures. Our hopes are high that High Leas Farm will have some of these amazing moths so why not come along to find out more about these and the other special moths of the farm.
With the moth trap set up we’ll head out for a short walk (approximately 1- 1.5 hours) around the fields and woods nearest to the farm enjoying the evening bird chorus and searching for one of the main predators of moths – Bats! Several species of these winged mammals call the farm home and with Common Pipistrelle, Noctule and Brown Long-Eared all recorded previously we are excited to see if we can add any more species to the farm list. Our bat detector should help us find these nocturnal flyers and we’ll enjoy the sight and sound of these fantastic creatures as they go about their nightly business.
Whilst out we’ll keep an eye and ear open for other nocturnal animals that call the farm home such as Badgers, Roe Deer and Tawny Owls, before returning to the farm for refreshments and to examine the contents of the moth trap and help Steve pot up the nights catch so far.