Growing & Arranging British Flowers with Ann Coulton
Sat 20 Jul 2024 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Bank Hall Prospect Tower, PR26 9AT
Learn how to grow your own and beautifully arrange cut flowers.
Ann Coulton will demonstrate the art of arranging flowers to show them off at their best. Ann uses locally grown seasonal blooms, so no air miles involved and very eco friendly!.
Ideal for anyone wanting to learn new techniques, a keen gardener or anyone who wants to try their hand at flower arranging.
Refreshments included in the ticket price.
Please note there 4 flights of stairs to the Banastré Room, due to the nature of the building there is no access to a lift.
Please arrive in plenty of time for a prompt start at 2pm. Many thanks
Bank Hall Prospect Tower, PR26 9AT