A Wonderful Dream - HGO's 2021 Summer Concert
Sat 24 Jul 2021 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
St. Michael's Church Highgate, N6 6BJ
Celebrate the end of lockdown in a socially-considerate environment at HGO's ever-popular annual concert. As always it features HGO stars in a heartfelt celebration of opera favourites, this year with arias and ensembles by, amongst others, Monteverdi, Handel, Gluck, Bellini, Borodin, Verdi, and Puccini, ending with Johann Strauss's rollicking Champagne ensemble from "Fledermaus". Click here for our free flip-book detailed programme, (with full texts), which can be read on computer, phone or tablet, or downloaded and printed.*
Our singers are stars from our recent and forthcoming productions:
- Rusnė Tušlaitė, soprano (Figaro, 2021)
- Francis Gush, counter-tenor (Partenope, 2018)
- Jack Roberts, tenor (Sāvitri, 2019)
- Dan D'Souza, baritone (The Secret Marriage, 2018 and Sāvitri. 2020)
At the Steinway will be our concert director Hannah Quinn (conductor of our 2017 The Enchanted Pig)
*Our flipbook programme: flip through the programme on your phone or tablet - wifi is available on location. Here's a handy guide:
- turn off the sound on your phone or tablet
- on the controls under the programme, click for full screen (the X symbol)
- if you would like to store the programme on your phone/tablet, or to print the programme, use the download or printer icons on the controls.
Wine and soft drinks are available at the interval.
Tickets: £25 (front nave / front gallery), £20 (rear nave / rear gallery) £15 (side-aisles)
Although we can welcome the ending of Covid restrictions, we can bear in mind the Government’s statement that we still “need to learn to live with [COVID-19] and to manage the risk to ourselves and others”.
Please do not come to the concert if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. For reassurance of all, we will be checking temperatures at the entry to the concert by non-contact infrared thermometer.
The church is well-ventilated and does not come within the Government category of an “enclosed or crowded space” necessitating masking. But to ensure optimum risk management, please wear a mask when you are entering or moving about within the church, (unless of course you have a medical exemption). We respectfully ask you to consider maintaining the use of masks during the concert itself unless you are satisfied that removing them would not cause your immediate neighbours unease. Thank you for your consideration.
St. Michael's Church Highgate, N6 6BJ