Virtual London Tours for the Metropolitan Grand Lodge Air Ambulance Appeal
Mon 22 Apr 2024 - Mon 22 Jul 2024
Online, Zoom
In March 2023 the Metropolitan Grand Master Sir Michael Snyder launched the London Freemasons Up Against Time appeal, with the aim of raising £3m to help the London Air Ambulance replace its two helicopters.
The Metropolitan Grand Stewards 2023 team are aiming to raise £20,000 for the Air Ambulance appeal, to coincide with twenty years of Metropolitan Grand Lodge. In support of this vital cause, I will be running one-hour virtual tours of London over Zoom:
7pm Monday 22nd April - Burnings, Butchery & Black Death: London's Bloody Past
7pm Monday 20th May - Roman Ruins to Blitz Bombings: London's Fiery History
7pm Monday 17th June - Booze, Brothels & The Bard: London's Bawdy Borough
7pm Monday 22nd July - Palaces, Parliament & Power: London's Royal City
Further information about each tour can be found by clicking the links above (please return to this page though to reserve your tickets).
Tickets cost £10 per login and all net profits raised will go directly to the Air Ambulance appeal. If you would like to make an additional voluntary donation to the Air Ambulance Appeal, the link is below - please claim Gift Aid if you're eligible to do so, as it increases your donation by 25%!
Donation link: [Name of the Lodge/Chapter: MetGStwds 2023, Number of the Lodge/Chapter to be credited: E2058E]
Thank you for all your support!
W Bro Tom Currie PMetGStwd (on behalf of the Metropolitan Grand Stewards 2023 Events Committee)