CineClub 會員優先場 Exclusive Free Preview Screening:《爸爸》PAPA
Wed Nov 27, 2024 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
好戲一浪接一浪,繼上月的康城金棕櫚得獎作《阿諾拉》後,CineClub再為會員率先帶來港產重頭戲── 翁子光執導、劉青雲主演的《爸爸》。翁子光將《踏血尋梅》的影像風格昇華,鏡頭聚焦小人物的壓抑與無奈。劉青雲以爐火純青的演技演活一夜間妻女雙亡的爸爸,面對無法愛亦無法恨的兒子,如何走出父子間的窒息關係,成為彼此活着的救贖?導演翁子光將出席映後問答環節。
時間:晚上 7時
地點:PREMIERE Elements
Following the Palme d'Or winning Anora last month, CineClub is pleased to bring to you another heavyweight production – Papa, directed by Philip Yung and starring Lau Ching-wan. Building on his renowned bleak and sombre style in Port of Call, Yung continues to weave a complex web of psychological turmoil in an ordinary man – this time, a local café owner who has to face his imprisoned son after the gruesome murder of his wife and daughter. Powered by the compelling performance of Lau Ching-wan, the film explores a stifling father-son relationship, and its way to salvation. Director Philip Yung will attend the post-screening Q&A session.
CineClub subscribers can register online from 25 November (Mon) at 10am. Limited tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Director: Philip Yung
2024|130min|Cantonese|English & Chinese Subtitles
Date : 27.11.2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: PREMIERE Elements
(i) 只限 24/11 11:59 pm或之前繳交會費的CineClub會員。每位會員只能登記門票乙張。
Only available to subscribers who have joined CineClub by 11:59 pm, 24 Nov. Each patron is entitled to one ticket only.
(ii) 本協會將核對閣下提供的CineClub會員號碼,如發現無效或重複,登記將會被取消,敬請留意。
The provided CineClub ID will undergo a verification process. If it is invalid or duplicated, the registration will be cancelled. Thank you for your understanding.
(iii) 請於放映前30分鐘到達場地,並出示有效電子門票或列印門票,以及有效CineClub會員卡或電子會員卡,向本會工作人員登記入場,換領入場門票。
Admission ticket redemption will start 30-min prior to the screening. Attendees who have made the reservation are required to present their e-tickets or paper tickets as welll as valid CineClub cards or e-cards to HKIFF staff for ticket redemption.
(iv) 如有任何爭議,香港國際電影節協會保留最終決定權。
In the event of a dispute, HKIFFS's decision shall be final.