CineClub會員專享活動:邵氏影城導賞及《隔壁的房間》放映會 CineClub Exclusive Event: Shaw Studios Guided Tour & THE ROOM NEXT DOOR Screening
Sat Feb 8, 2025 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Shaw Studios 邵氏影城
CineClub Exclusive Event: Shaw Studios Guided Tour & THE ROOM NEXT DOOR Screening
Welcome 2025! CineClub invites you to join our Exclusive Screening co-organised with Shaw Studios – THE ROOM NEXT DOOR, winner of the Golden Lion award at the Venice Film Festival. In his English-language full-length debut, Spanish master filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar summons two Oscar-winning actresses, Tilda Swinton and Julianne Moore, to co-star in a long-hoped-for collaboration. Playing a pair of lifelong friends separated for years, they meet again only when one of them is diagnosed with a brain tumor and decides to end her own life. Following PAIN AND GLORY, Almodóvar again immerses his own profound affection into this alternately rapturous and poignant meditation on love, agony and mortality.
Director: Pedro Almodóvar
2024|107mins|English|Chinese Subtitle
Besides the screening, you’ll also have the opportunity to visit Shaw Studios through a guided tour, taking a look at the top-notch facilities in this important base for film production, while enjoying snacks and drinks.
Date: 8.2.2025 (Sat)
Time: 1pm - 5:30pm
(Please arrive 15 minutes early at the assembly point to check in.)
Assembly & Dismissal Point: Tseung Kwan O MTR Station Exit B2
CineClub subscribers can register online from 27 January (Mon) at 10am. Limited tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please click here for Itinerary of the Event
活動須知 Notes for the Event
1. 邵氏影城導賞團及放映會為CineClub會員專享活動。本協會將核對閣下提供的CineClub會員號碼,如發現無效或重複,登記將會被取消,敬請留意。
The guided tour of Shaw Studios and screening is exclusive for CineClub subscribers. The provided CineClub ID will undergo a verification process. If it is invalid or duplicated, the registration will be cancelled. Thank you for your understanding.
2. 只限 2月6日 11:59 pm或之前繳交會費的CineClub會員。每位會員只能登記門票乙張。
Only available to subscribers who have joined CineClub by 11:59 pm, 6 Feb. Each patron is entitled to one ticket only.
3. 導賞團約長60分鐘,以粵語進行。
The guided tour of Shaw Studios will last around 1 hour and will be conducted in Cantonese.
4. 放映活動約長120分鐘。放映時禁止在場內攝影、錄音或錄影。
The screening will last approximately 2 hours. Unauthorized photography and audio/video recording is not allowed during the screening.
5. 建議參加者之衣著及鞋履以舒適和輕便為主,亦應避免攜帶大型物件。
Participants are recommended to wear comfortable clothing and shoes, and please do not bring along bulky items.
6. 為確保更流暢的參觀體驗,請參加者務必於活動開始前15分鐘到達集合地點,並出示有效電子門票或列印門票,以及有效CineClub會員卡或電子會員卡,向本會工作人員登記。逾時不候,敬請留意。
To ensure a smooth visiting experience, all participants should arrive at the assembly point 15 minutes before the scheduled event time. Attendees who have made the reservation are required to present their e-tickets or paper tickets as well as valid CineClub cards or e-cards to HKIFF staff for registration. Latecomers will not be accommodated.
7. 參加者須遵從導賞員及電影節職員的指示,並遵守場地規則。
All participants shall comply with the instructions of docents and HKIFF staffs, as well as the site rules and regulations.
8. 活動或會因惡劣天氣而有所影響,有關更改或取消的最新消息,請參閱電影節網站或社交媒體平台的最新公布。
The event may be affected by inclement weather conditions. Please refer to the HKIFF website or social media platforms for the latest notice.
9. 如有任何爭議,香港國際電影節協會保留最終決定權。
The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the arrangements.
Shaw Studios 邵氏影城