<Table for Six> Houston screening|《飯戲攻心》侯斯頓放映
Sat Dec 3, 2022 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
AMC Willowbrook 24, 77064
First row discount! $16 for the first row (From A1 to A16)! Open to everyone!
第一行優惠! 第一 行$16 (從 A1 到 A16)!所有人不限年齡!
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We proudly present <<Table For Six>> screening in Houston TX and happy to announce that the screening will be started at 8pm, Dec 3, 2022. The theatre is AMC Willowbrook 24. We are providing Reserved Seating this time. Ticket has two categories: Reserved Seating and Children (Age from 3 - 16). There is only one screening in Houston! Take your chance!
我們很高興宣布《飯戲攻心》德州侯斯頓放映將於 2022 年 12 月 3 日晚上 8 點開始。影院是 AMC Willowbrook 24。今次我們提供指定座位。 門票分為兩類:預留座位和兒童(3 至 16 歲)。 侯斯頓只有一場演出! 把握機會!
We will start checking-in at 7:30pm.
我們將於晚上 7:30pm 開始檢票。
Address/地址: 17145 Tomball Pkwy, Houston, TX 77064.
It is often said that food and meals bring families together, but in TABLE FOR SIX it’s clear that not all family gatherings are a cause for celebration. In this melodramatic comedy, three brothers reside in a home that they inherited from their late parents. The eldest brother Steve (Dayo Wong), theoretically is the man of the house, but he constantly is getting dissed by his two younger brothers Bernard (Louis Cheung Kai Chung) and Lung (Chan Charm Man Peter) for the decisions he makes, the inedible meals that he cooks, and his complicated romantic encounters. To prepare for a family reunion dinner, Steve seeks the help of Lung’s girlfriend and foodie Josephine (Ivana Wong) and in doing so, wins back their hearts for a while, until his old flame and Bernard’s new girlfriend Monica (Stephy Tang) shows up. That’s a recipe for a disaster waiting to explode! The unexpected visit of Steve’s part-time girlfriend Meow (Lin Min-Chen) not only fails to turn down the heat and cool the awkward situation, but stirs up the sibling conflict even further.
一個家,最緊要齊人開餐。深信此道的大佬(黃子華 飾)廚藝麻麻,唯有長期用心靈雞湯式金句「餵大」兩個細佬,但異父異母的二佬(張繼聰 飾)及同父異母的三弟(陳湛文 飾)其實覺得大佬有點老土。幸好大佬請來三弟的廚神級女友(王菀之 飾)為三兄弟包伙食,一家人終於有啖好食,每晚8時的飯局亦令兄弟更添和睦。但隨著二佬女友(鄧麗欣 飾) 的加入,飯桌氣氛即時變得燶味十足,皆因二佬女友竟是大佬最念念不忘的前度﹔為免以後餐餐背脊骨落,大佬唯有臨時揾個哎吔女友(林明禎 飾)一齊撐枱腳。從此,每晚6人同枱,味蕾滿足,閒話家常,卻舌尖有伏,總之嗒落就知味道…《逆流大叔》導演陳詠燊笑聲主理!
AMC Willowbrook 24, 77064