Your Voice Heard - May
Wed 15 May 2024 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
One of the biggest things you can do to tackle the climate and nature crises is speak to your elected representatives to call for policy change. Next year, a general election is due to take place. Telling our MPs to put climate change and nature at the top of their agenda is more important than ever.
Don’t know where to start?
Here at HFTF, we work on the basis that everyone is a potential changemaker, but not everyone is starting from the same point. We exist to help bridge that gap, and get more people having powerful conversations with their elected representatives to stimulate change like we've never seen before. So no matter whether you've never heard of a Member of Parliament, or you are a seasoned campaigner, we're here to support you with the tools and resources you need to have effective conversations with your politicians, for positive action on climate and nature. Your voice has power. Use it.
What will you get from this training?
In this free one hour session, you’ll gain a step by step guide to having impactful conversations with your MP, right from how to find out who they are, to how to move them beyond their party line. Our approach is based on 10 years of expertise and practical action working to support people across the UK to have more frequent and more powerful conversations with their elected representatives for change.
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