Global Justice Now: Engaging with your Elected Representatives to Campaign for a Global Exit Plan from Fossil Fuels
Tue 17 Sep 2024 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Fossil fuels are the main driver of the climate crisis. We urgently need to transition from use of these toxic substances, but despite the abundant potential of renewable energy globally, the fossil fuel industry keeps expanding. This is why Global Justice Now are joining a growing global movement, spearheaded by governments in the global south, for a much-needed Fossil Fuel Treaty. The treaty would provide a framework for keeping global heating within 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the target world leaders agreed in 2015 as necessary for preventing runaway climate change.
We aim to maximise the pressure on our government to endorse the Fossil Fuel Treaty, and getting local councils to speak up can do that very effectively. We want every root and branch of UK political society to add their voices to the call for a rapid and fair phase out, that's why we are encouraging all members and supporters to speak to their local councillors and MPs about the campaign. If MPs, cities and towns all join this call for a fossil free future, we can make it too loud for the government to ignore!
In this free online workshop, democratic engagement experts from Hope for the Future will talk us through the process of approaching and speaking to our elected representatives about the Fossil Fuel Treaty in ways that will promote positive action.
The training will cover:
- Hope for the Future's relationship based approach:
- The power and possibilities of building a relationship with your elected representatives.
- How to use research to improve your chances of success, find Common Ground with politicians and develop SMART asks.
- Tips and tricks for having successful meetings with representatives
- Practical steps for how to go about contacting your representatives: including MPs, councillors, University Chancellors and representatives from the devolved parliaments.
- The context of a new government and new parliament and opportunities this brings.
- How to explain the Fossil Fuel Treaty for people from different political persuasions to increase their likelihood to take action.
We can't wait to see you there! The zoom link will be provided to you once you've signed up.
Closed captioning will be enabled in the zoom call. If you have any accessibility requirements, please get in touch at
Hope for the Future is a climate and nature charity with a vision of UK communities and politicians working together to secure a healthy planet for all. To achieve that, we train and support citizens across the UK to develop constructive relationships with politicians, countering the ‘us and them’ narrative that gets in the way of meaningful democratic engagement and political progress.