History of Redemption Singapore Seminar 2022 Theme: RESTORE & RETURN - Rebuilding Jerusalem
Fri Jun 17, 2022 - Sat Jun 18, 2022
Zion Church (2 Gambas Crescent, Nordcom II, Tower 2, #10-13), Singapore 757044
Program begins sharply at 2:00 pm, do arrive earlier at 1:45pm for registration.
Light refreshments will be provided free.
The seminar lectures will be based on Book 11 Part 2, of the History of Redemption Series: "Zerubbabel's temple and the consecrated genealogies of the returnees".
- B.S., SungKyunKwang University, Korea
- M.Div., Presbyterian General Assembly Theological Seminary, Korea
- Missionary Degree (LMTC), Chongshin University, Korea
- M.A., Reformed Theological Seminary, Korea
- D.Min., Knox Theological Seminary, USA
- B.S. in Biochemistry, University of Washington, USA
- M.Div., Presbyterian General Assembly Theological Seminary, Korea
- D.Bs., Berit Theological Seminary, Korea
The author of the History of Redemption series books
Huisun, Rev. Dr. Abraham Park
(Huisun 暉宣 – hui: “to shine brilliantly”; sun: “to show favor”)
Rev. Abraham Park (1928-2014) had dedicated his entire life to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. His life was centred on the twin pillars of Christian faith: the Word of God and prayer. He has read the Bible from cover to cover – more tha 1,800 times. Throughout his life, this pastor-theologian spent over five hours reading the Bible and over three hours praying each day. In 2007, Rev. Park celebrated the 50th Jubilee Anniversary of his ministry.
Rev. Dr. Abraham Park D.Min., D.D.
- Born May 17, 1928 in Sariwon, Hwanghae Province, Korea
- B.A. in Corporate Management from Kookmin University
- B.A in Biblical Studies from the Presbyterian General Assembly Theological University
- M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary, Korea
- Honorary D.Min. from Lael College and Graduate School
- Honorary Th.D. from Faith Theological Seminary, USA
- Honorary Ph.D. from Reformed Theological Seminary, Korea
- Honorary Ph.D. from Trinity Theological College & Seminary
- Former moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Korea (Hap-dong Conservative)