Etal Manor Open Garden 2025
Sun 15 Jun 2025 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM BST
Etal Manor, Etal, TD12 4TL
Lady Joicey, our Patron, is kindly opening her garden to the public for us, in this our 30th Anniversary year. Etal is a woodland garden managed by the Joicey family since 1910, with a stream running through a part of it. The gardens are predominantly woodland gardens and the acid soil and tough growing environment suit Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Magnolias and many other species. The rhododendrons and azaleas should be looking good in mid June but nothing can be guaranteed in a garden.
Entrance: Adults £6 Children Under 12 FREE
- Dogs on Leads
- Teas
- Craft and Plant Stalls
- Limited Wheelchair Accessibility
- Pre-booking available
- Live music featuring Berwick Concert Band
If you would like to purchase tickets in advance, please click on the link above. Alternatively, you can pay at the gate on the day.
Etal Manor, Etal, TD12 4TL