Lesbury Village Gardens 2025
Sun 29 Jun 2025 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM BST
Lesbury Village, NE66 3PP
All of the gardens opening are in the Parish of Lesbury. Registration will start at the Village Hall which is in the heart of a delightful conservation area with a number of listed buildings. The Parish of Lesbury has a long and varied history. Bronze age and Roman remains have been found and there is evidence of a pre-historic camp just east of the railway station. From Saxon times there has been a stone built church in Lesbury. The village’s early name, Laece Burg meaning ‘the town of the leech or physician’ is from this period.
The church was rebuilt and extended incrementally from Norman times and in the 13th century its importance was demonstrated by the churches of Alnwick, Longhoughton and Alnmouth being ‘subordinate chapelries’. Lesbury continued to be the principal township in the area for a further hundred years.
Entrance fees, raffle, craft and plant sales proceeds to HospiceCare, teas and refreshments proceeds to St Mary's Church, Lesbury.
- Entrance: Adults £7 Children under 12 FREE
- Dogs on leads only
- Homemade Teas
- Craft and Plant Stalls
- Limited Wheelchair Access
- Pre-booking available
Lesbury Village, NE66 3PP