Word Dancing at Ballyeamon Barn
Sun 11 May 2025 5:00 PM - Fri 16 May 2025 BST
Ballyeamon Barn, 127 Ballyemon Rd, Cushendall, Ballymena, BT44 0QP
Join Shonaleigh in rural Northern Ireland for a five day course: WORD DANCING.
Words are a creative force. When you tell a story, in person or on the page, that is an act of creation.
You are literally spelling something into being and creating something that didn’t exist before.
Working with words is a wonderful but sometimes overwhelming activity, as we try to bring together a story we want to tell with the words we need to tell it.
We need to learn to learn their dance.
This week long course is led by tradition bearer Shonaleigh who will introduce you to the stuff of narrative through storytelling exercises and creative writing practices. One or two sessions will be taught by Dr Simon Heywood, storyteller and senior lecturer in creative writing.
You will explore ways that traditional story approaches, taught to Shonaleigh by her Bubbe (Grandmother), can be applied to help you harness the creative power of words and enable you to tell the stories you wish to share.
By the end of the week, you will be word dancing!
Residential option - accommodation is provided in dorm beds in the comfortable hostel-style Ballyeamon Barn, with all meals provided from dinner on Sunday to lunch on Friday. Please let us know any dietary requirements or allergies on booking.
Non-residential option - includes lunches only. There are other B&Bs and hotels available to stay locally but these are all at least 6 miles away, you would need a car or to take taxis. Teaching hours will be approximately 10.30am-5pm, with an earlier finish on the final day.
Frequently asked questions
What are the course times? Teaching hours will be approximately 10.30am-5pm, with an earlier finish on the final day. For residential people you are welcome to arrive on the Sunday afternoon anytime after lunch, and your dinner will be around 6.30pm. Non-residential people aim to arrive around 10am on the Monday for a cup of tea.
Nearest Airport? Belfast International or Belfast City
Are transfers available from Belfast? Yes if you are arriving at a civilised time, it will be likely be possible to arrange transfers. Contact Liz on liz@lizweir.net to sort out. She will need to know your flight details and arrival airport.
Can I also attend the following Tellers, Tales, Tradition weekend? Yes, just book your ticket for that at the same time.
I don't want to stay in shared dorm accommodation, do you have recommendations of other places to stay? Contact Liz on liz@lizweir.net for suggestions. Note that this is a rural location and at least 6 miles from other options, so if you are staying off site you will need to rent a car or to pay for taxis to get to Ballyleamon Barn.
Ballyeamon Barn, 127 Ballyemon Rd, Cushendall, Ballymena, BT44 0QP