Learning to Love Autism - Jo Long Aldershot (New to Autism)
Wed 17 Jan 2024 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM GMT
West End Arts Centre, GU11 3JD
An in person session with Jo Long, coach, blogger and mother of an autistic son looking to support families to thrive after the diagnosis or if you are new to suspecting your young person has autistic traits? (no diagnosis needed).
From Jo:
I know from experience, just what this feels like; how frustrating it feels to have to filter what you share or the overwhelming realisation that you feel safer just bottling it all up rather than face the judgement or well-meaning yet futile advice of others. As well-meaning as partners, parents, in-laws, siblings, friends and professionals may be – if they haven’t lived in or walked in your shoes, they honestly haven’t a clue how you’re feeling or the struggles you’re facing on the inside.
I’m here to help; to sit and listen fully and with the compassion of someone who gets you, who understands that you can feel incredibly isolated even when you’re surrounded by people who care. I’m here so that you can share, feel heard and offer some gentle guidance, reassurance and insights which will help you move forward with greater calm, confidence and a sense of inner happiness…
This will be a small group session to ensure everyone has their moment to share, please ensure if you cannot make it for any reason you cancel your ticket so another family doesn't miss out.
This is a chance to meet others who are sharing similar experiences leaving you feeling less isolated, we will hear from Jo Long, professional coach, blogger and mother and together we can ask questions.
This session is for any parent carer in Hampshire, whether you are an in patient, on the waiting list or just looking to develop your own toolkit on how best to support your young person.
A friendly face from the Hampshire Parent Carer Network will be there to meet and greet you with a warm beverage and biscuit where you will have the opportunity to meet fellow parent carers who may be experiencing similar challenges.
West End Arts Centre, GU11 3JD