Tue 13 Jun 2023 9:45 AM - 4:00 PM
University of Bath / Hybrid
The next HPC-SIG meeting will take place as a hybrid event (in person and online) kindly hosted by the Unversity of Bath on Tuesday 13 June 2023.
Please note: Deadline for in-person registration closed on Friday 26th May - online attendence is still available
The meeting will run from 1015 – 1600 with refreshments available for in-person attendees ahead of the meeting start from 0945. Refreshements will be provided during the breaks for in-person attendees along with lunch. Please indicate any dietary requirements when you register to attend.
We look forward to seeing you all in Bath or online. If you have any questions on the meeting please contact the HPC-SIG secretary, Andy Turner: secretary@hpc-sig.org.uk.
For more information including draft agenda, please see the event page on the HPCSIG website:
For more information about HPC-SIG events, including details of those eligible to attend can be found at https://hpc-sig.org.uk/index.php/hpc-sig-events/
University of Bath / Hybrid