JUNG’S 1919 DREAM SEMINAR with Diane Hirst
Sat 28 Jun 2025 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM
The Essex Church, London, W8 4RT
In the summer of 1919 Jung made his first post-war visit to Great Britain since 1914. New documentary information has revealed that in addition to his public talks in July 1919, Jung spent six weeks in London between June and mid-July teaching his British cohort of colleagues and analysands. He led a seminar which analysed a series of dreams from a case of shell-shocked soldier treated by his English colleague Maurice Nicoll during 1917. Many of Jung’s core psychological concepts developed from his confrontation with the unconscious during 1913-1914, writing Liber Novus, illustrating The Red Book, and his scientific papers and books published between 1916-1918, were introduced to the British medical establishment dealing with the aetiology and treatment of shell-shock during the war by Nicoll, Constance Long (editor of Jung’s Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology 1916, 1917) and David Eder. Jung’s first formal English Dream Seminar, held once or twice weekly, provided him with an opportunity to demonstrate the prospective aspects of dreams that indicated the conscious and unconscious changes necessary for the individuation process and birth of the new god-image.
PDF copies of Constance Long’s notes on Jung’s Dream Seminar will be distributed in advance of the seminar.
Times: 10.30 - 12.30 and 2.00 - 4.00pm
The Essex Church, London, W8 4RT