Decoding Zoning for Small Developers Session
Thu Oct 27, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
Join us for a virtual session on how small developers can decode zoning. You’ve probably been in this situation: A great lot is available on a prime corner at a seemingly fair price… should you buy it for your next project? Many small developers can whip up a rough design and basic pro forma to assess whether the deal will work or not. However, how many of them check on the zoning first? How many of them can tell if the zoning will help or hinder their project idea? Jumping into a deal without fully vetting the site’s zoning can sink your project before it ever leaves the port. Dan Zack, who wrote and administered zoning codes for local governments for 23 years, will show you how to see through the noise and legalese of your city’s complex zoning regulations to quickly determine if your project idea is destined for smooth sailing or rough waters.
In this session, he'll help you learn how to avoid common pitfalls and how to identify "hacks" that can be leveraged to make your project idea successful.