A Humorous Story Told Gravely: How To Craft A Funny Interactive Story with Mike Gillis
Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Chicago Game Lab, 60618
Join us as we kick off season 1 of our workshop and speaker series!
We are thrilled to kick off the season with Mike Gillis:
How do you tell a funny interactive story? What do Mark Twain and Yakuza’s Kazuma Kiryu have in common? How long can you use rhetorical questions to string along a reader's attention before they get bored and decide not to come to your talk? In this presentation, The Onion’s head writer Mike Gillis will answer all of these and more, drawing on 12 years of comedy writing experience to talk about how concepts like punchlines, straight man, shaggy dog stories, yes and’ing, and campiness can make your video game funnier.
Mike Gillis is the head writer for The Onion. His writing has also appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Tricycle, ClickHole, Hobart, PULP Literature, Unwinnable, and most recently before the Supreme Court in the form of a highly-read amicus brief defending free speech. His games, including The Visionary, This Won't Make You Happy, and Love Them To Death have been featured in Indiepocalypse, Super FESTival, and BetterPlay. He makes games with the Serious Hats Only comedy collective and is currently alive in Chicago.
If you need reduced pricing please reach out via email: indiecitygame @ gmail.com
Chicago Game Lab, 60618