CBRNe Summit USA 2023, Austin, TX, USA
Mon 16 Oct 2023 8:00 AM - Wed 18 Oct 2023 6:00 PM
Austin, TX, USA
Our 3rd annual CBRNe Summit USA will be coming to Austin, TX on the 16th – 18th October 2023. This event brings together leading officials from the military, civil and scientific agencies to provide you will a full perspective on all CBRNe threats and challenges.
Over the 2-day conference and exhibition you will hear different perspectives from civil, military and scientific officials on the latest CBRNe trends and operational challenges being faced to their agency.
Bringing together civil and military agencies together is a key feature of our event. There is a greater importance on interoperability between these different stakeholders to respond to CBRNe incidents and understanding the capability gaps when dealing with CBRNe incidents.
With the event taking place in Austin, TX there will be a focus on the CBRNe capabilities to the Austin Fire Department and Police Department as well as other cities across the State to give participants a full overview of the CBRNe capabilities across the State of Texas.
CBRNe Summit USA will also include a live demonstration by the local authorities to showcase their capabilities and technologies available to them when responding to a vast array of CBRNe incidents.
To take part in our annual CBRNe Summit USA conference and exhibition as either a speaker, sponsor, exhibitor or delegate please contact us at events@intelligence-sec.com or call us at +44 7792 47 32 46.