The Art of Desire : Retreat for Women [Hillsboro, Oregon]
Mon Sep 8, 2025 1:00 PM - Thu Sep 11, 2025 2:00 PM PDT
Scholls Valley Lodge, 97124
This retreat changes lives. We receive dozens of testimonials after each and every retreat...
"You unlocked was like fireworks when I came back from the retreat!"
-2023 Retreat Attendee
"I've listened to all the podcasts and taken the online courses, but being there in person and hearing her dive deep into her instruction was life-changing."
-2022 Retreat Attendee
"If you feel a little dead inside, or that you've been swallowed up in motherhood, or that you don't even know who YOU are anymore, you MUST take this course. It's the answer."
-2020 Workshop Attendee
Your sexual relationship is meant to be a place of rejuvenation, of sustenance, of connection, of peace. But so often we relate to sexuality as a chore, an obligation, a duty, a need...which breeds resentment and KILLS sexual desire.
When Dr. Finlayson-Fife teaches, she cuts through the cultural noise and teaches women how to step more fully into their personal and sexual strength--she doesn't just help women make peace with sexuality, she teaches principles that will help them create joy, connection, and strength through it.
This September, set aside the chaos and distraction of every day, come to the incredibly beautiful Oregon countryside, and immerse yourself in Dr. Finlayson-Fife's life, marriage, and soul-sustaining wisdom for FOUR incredible days!
You'll walk away from this retreat with a renewed sense of passion and purpose, a gift that will ripple out into every aspect of your life, including your intimate relationship.
This retreat is perfect for those who:
- Have felt “broken” given their lack of sexual desire
- Feel shame, resentment, or confusion around sex
- Sometimes lack self-confidence in their lives and relationships
- Feel a lack of sexual interest in general or for their spouse
- Want to live life with greater confidence and authenticity in every realm
**Your ticket covers instruction, a course workbook, meals, and group activities during the event.
Lodging is not included, however, we do have some on-site lodging options available at an additional charge--you can learn more about those options HERE.
Terms and conditions:
If you cancel your ticket before June 30, 2025 you will receive a 50% refund. Tickets are not refundable after June 30th. However, if the event is sold out and your seat can be filled from a waitlist (which we cannot guarantee), a refund will be issued with the deduction of a $500 fee.
Scholls Valley Lodge, 97124