Jill Purce: Online Family Constellations Workshop, Healing Family & Ancestors
Fri 17 Jan 2025 5:30 PM - Sun 19 Jan 2025 10:30 PM GMT
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Sonorous Shamanic family constellations
Find keys to release your Family all generations
Transform clamorous ancestors to powerful guides
When ancestors or family members have died or left the family at a young age or under unusual or difficult circumstances — such as accidents, suicides, wars, addictions, emigrations, incarcerations, adoptions — these or other traumas of separation cause painful patterns of exclusion to be frozen in time, trapped in the unconscious field of the family, and can become like magnets, which later generations may be drawn unconsciously to repeat. Current family members might find themselves doing things that make no sense in the context of their own lives, until they discover which earlier family member they're "following."These inherited patterns create powerful unconscious compulsions. When you honour and restore the excluded ancestors or family members, however, you re-establish the integrity of the field, dissolving the trans-generational tendencies and liberating the living, their children and future generations. This work can be intense, oracular and profoundly healing and seems to restore aspects of the psyche closed to normal therapeutic methods.Join individually or with other family members.
You do not need to know much about your family and they do not need to be alive.
The workshop is comprised of 3 sessions
- Friday Jan 17th 3 hours
- Saturday Jan 18th 5 hours with a break
- Sunday Jan 19th 5 hours with a break
Sessions start at 5:30pm UK / 9:30am Pacific / 12:30pm Eastern / 18:30 Europe
£224 Pounds sterling: Approx. €250, US $269, CAD $360 (exchange rates fluctuate)
You can also book by email or phone...
from UK (07977) 076875
from North America 01144 7977 076875
from everywhere else +44 (0) 7977 076875