Michael Hawkins and The Brotherhood
Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Miner Music Hall at The Governor's School for the Arts, 23510
We are excited to kick the season off with Michael Hawkins and The Brotherhood hailing from Richmond, VA! Michael Hawkins on bass, Billy Williams on drums, James 'Saxsmo' Gates on sax and Weldon Hill on piano.
RSVP to secure a seat(s). Student walk-ins are welcome as long as seats are available. ALL Jazz Night GSA events are free of charge.
254 Granby St, Norfolk, VA
The Governor's School for the Arts
Miner Music Hall 3rd Floor
The MacArthur Center parking garage is recommended for parking.
Miner Music Hall at The Governor's School for the Arts, 23510