Systematic Kinesiology 8 Day Intensive Foundation Course Training
Tue 24 Oct 2023 9:30 AM - Wed 22 Nov 2023 4:30 PM
Karen's infinite Health, SN4 8NB
Intensive 8 Day Fast Track Systematic Kinesiology Foundation Course
Total cost £2,400.00 (includes a manual, test kit and laser pen).
Payable by a Deposit on Booking £1,000
Balance of £1,400 payable on Day 1 of the course.
Dates: 24th, 25th, 31st October: 1st, 8th, 15tth,21st and 22nd November 2023
9.30am to 4.30pm each day.
Intensive Fast Track Courses can also be booked on dates to suit individual students. Contact me for more details about the course. Tel: 07762054818
Learning Kinesiology at foundation level is perfect for those wanting to help improve the health of themselves, friends or family. For practitioners in other fields of health care, the benefit of gaining this certification is that not only can you help your clients even more by adding Kinesiology to your skills set, but the course also counts towards your CPD. The skills and training you receive as part of the course will enable you to immediately utilise these techniques in your life. You will continue to reap the benefits for years to come – even if you do not do any further training! You may even choose to go on and learn more by enrolling for Practitioner Training to become a fully qualified Kinesiology Practitionerwhich is held in London.
Wondering what to expect from this Kinesiology Course? This beginner’s Kinesiology course is made up of six modules, each module is taught over two days per month. The course is a mixture of theory, hands-on practical learning, and case studies which are completed outside of class. You will not only learn the theory behind Kinesiology, but will practice your new skills on classmates, plus friends and family as part of the homework. The course includes the basics of muscle testing, emotional stress releasing techniques and much more! These techniques form a great part of any Kinesiologist’s treatment plan.
Karen's infinite Health, SN4 8NB