Kata Together 2024
Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:00 PM - Fri Jul 19, 2024 1:00 PM PDT
Kaas Tailored, 98275
Join Kata School Cascadia for Kata Together 2024, hosted by Kaas Tailored in Mukilteo WA USA.
Monday July 15 to Friday July 19, 2024
Kata Together 2024 will challenge your mindset, your Improvement Kata Skills, and your Coaching Kata skills, too.
Join Kata Coaches Tracy Defoe, Mark Rosenthal, Tilo Schwarz and Gemma Jones - and your kata friends from our Friday community zooms-for a learning week like no other!
This group photo is from Kata Together 2023. Welcome back for more learning; or welcome for the first time.
This year we expect to send you home from Kata Together 2024 with
- at least 5 activities you can take back and use right away to introduce or enhance understanding of scientific thinking and the deliberate practice patterns to learn it
- an enhanced understanding of reflections and microlearnings
- a head-on meeting with the Threshold of Knowledge
- hands-on experience in the Improvement Kata steps in real life processes
- block diagrams you make while observing real processes
- coaching kata practice, at your level and a little beyond
- experience with the Coaching Dojo, where coaches build their reference and practice coaching microskills
- practice using the Coaching Kata questions in meetings or in 'the wild' as a way to sharpen your skills and sow the seeds for kata in your organization
- a renewed enthusiasm for learning
- the warm feeling from learning in community
- the Kata School Cascadia I-Don't-Know Yeti attitude!
Need a certificate? We expect to send you home with a Kata School Cascadia certificate, too.
Our 2023 coaches and second coaches!
2024 Registration is limited.
Scroll down for the timetable.
Need a pdf? Request one from info@kata-school-cascadia.org
Questions? Contact info@kata-school-cascadia.org
Why join us at Kata School Cascadia's Kata Together 2024?
We are a community! Some of us have been on the kata learning path a little longer, sure. Everyone has something to offer and contribute, and we have planned workshops and activities with challenges to strive for, for all of us.
Is it different from last year's Kata Together? Yes and no!
We are back in the Treehouse at Kaas Tailored. You will spend a week with Kata School Cascadia's Mark Rosenthal, Gemma Jones and Tracy Defoe and Tilo Schwarz. That's a starting line up you won't find anywhere else in 2024. The participants will be people you want to learn with and get to know in person!
This year we are breaking down the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata, and beyond so we can refresh our practice, and push beyond our comfort zones. We are going to slow down and emphasize reflection. What did you learn? This is a weak spot for almost everyone and we aim to make it a winning part of Kata Together. There is something for everyone!
About Tickets
At $1395 for the week, Kata Together is still the lowest cost, highest value option for the kata community to learn together in one place.
We aim to be inclusive. We want to be accessible. A limited number of discounted tickets are available for those with financial hardship, individuals paying their own way and for our volunteers. Email Tracy at info@kata-school-cascadia.org to ask about discounted tickets or special circumstances.
What's included?
In addition to more than 32 hours of kata practice and experiences, we will have five lunches together Monday to Friday, and four breakfasts, Tuesday to Friday. Dinners are on your own or with your kata friends.
You are also invited to join a social Happy Hour on Monday. We expect great weather, and will have a beach evening in Mukilteo, too.
Where to stay?
Once you register you will receive a participant information package with maps, and details.
There are several good options to stay nearby in Mukilteo and in Everett.
We are all learners!
At Kata School Cascadia, we are ALL learners! Our Kata Together week isn't a conference. It's a comprehensive immersive workshop experience, 32+ hours, where we expect you to be actively learning and building your kata references and skills. Learn by doing, alongside some great coaches.
Our mission is to rock people's worlds by supporting their learning and sharing in the Starter Kata and beyond. If you have joined our community zooms or any of our online training, or if you were at Kata Together 2022 or 2023, you know we are all about
- supporting learning that sticks
- deliberately practicing the Improvement and Coaching Kata
- finding obstacles and narrowing gaps in our practice and understanding
- building scientific thinking
- having fun in community.
If you like us on Zoom, you will love us in person!
Kaas Tailored, 98275