Heal Your Inner Child - Date & Relate as a Healthy Adult
Mon 20 May 2024 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Do fear and low self-worth sabotage your dating experiences and your romantic relationships?
Are you easily hurt by dates and partners? Does rejection, or even the prospect of it, floor you?
Do you struggle to overcome heartache in your romantic life?
Does your desire to find love override your common sense or your intuition when dating?
Do you have strong, knee-jerk reactions to potential dates and partners?
Are you tired of riding the emotional rollercoaster?
If you answer Yes to some or all of the above, it's likely that your wounded inner child is in the driver's seat of your love life. This isn't the best way to find a healthy and loving relationship. Rather, it can be a recipe for disaster and disappointment.
If you'd like to understand how to heal your inner child and date and relate as a healthy adult, with sound judgement and manageable emotions, this workshop is for you. We will be focusing primarily on romantic relationships but inner child healing is relevant to all our relationships so you are welcome to join whether you are single or in a relationship.
This 90-minute, insightful, interactive workshop will support you to:
* Understand why you react and behave as you do on dates and in relationships
* Spot the signs that your inner child is running the show
* Learn to soothe and heal your frightened inner child so that she doesn't sabotage your romantic life
* Put the healthy adult back in the driver's seat of your life
* Manage your emotions so that you can date and relate on an even keel (rather than feeling like you're riding a Big Dipper)
* Regain faith in your capacity to find, form and maintain a healthy and loving partnership
On this workshop, you will have access to my unique brand of insightful, psychological education, rooted in a deep understanding of trauma, addictive relationship patterns and codependency, as well as a sense of community with your fellow participants.
The Details
We will meet on Zoom on Monday May 20th at 5 pm BST until 6:30 pm BST. The majority of the workshop (at least 60 mins) will be recorded so please register even if you can't join live - you will receive the recording the following day. You will be invited to participate in the workshop, initially via the chat function and then by asking live questions (the recording will be switched off for the final 15 mins for interaction).
Cancellations and Refunds
If I have to cancel the workshop for any reason, I will reschedule to a later date and your payment will be transferred. If you are unable to attend, you will receive the recording. No refunds are available.
When you register for the event, you'll receive joining instructions. You will also receive an email reminder on the day of the event with joining instructions.
Important Information
Please note that by registering for this workshop, you consent to be added to my 'love letters' list, via which I share blogs and inspiring messages and details of upcoming events, workshops, courses and retreats. Your information is private and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Questions? Email: katherine@katherinebaldwin.com
If you'd like to know more about me or explore my other offerings, go to: www.katherinebaldwin.com
What my coaching clients say:
"In my coaching with Katherine, I felt seen, held, supported and validated. Katherine gently uncovers your innermost, core wounds and brings light to your present experience through the lens of childhood attachments. Working with Katherine has helped me tremendously and has been pivotal for my growth. I can't recommend Katherine's coaching enough' - Nasra
“You were a very special part of my journey in helping me not to run away in fear from this relationship” – Anne, coaching client, now married
“I think my coaching with Katherine is one of the best investments in myself that I have ever made and I highly recommend her services" – Kathryn, coaching client
“I learned so much. You pointed out things to me that I hadn’t figured out in all my years of therapy” – K.S., coaching client
“This experience of working with you has been really profound. You’re very, very good at what you do. We’ve got to the bottom of stuff that I’ve never been able to understand before” – Rachel, coaching client
“I dated with far greater awareness and am now in the early months of a new relationship. It was like running a race having had a coach show me how to run effectively” – Fiona, engaged
“Katherine is an intelligent, insightful coach. I’ve been on the self-development journey for a while but Katherine helped me to have insights I’ve never had before” – Julie
“Very quickly you opened my mind to what has been going on with my relationships my whole life. It was the first time I’ve been able to date and have this really grounded awareness. It definitely felt like the first time I’ve dated and not felt insane” - Pip
“I’ve been on such a journey over the couple of years I’ve been working with you, through the two courses as well as doing 1:1 coaching with you. It has been truly transformational for me as an individual” – Joyce