The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Commission Launch Event
Thu 16 Jan 2025 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
Please use this link to join the launch
1:00pm: Introduction
Acknowledgements and Agenda, Francesco Rubino (Chair of Commission)
Welcome remarks – KHP, Rt Hon Prof. Lord Ajay Kakkar PC – Chairman, King’s Health Partners
Welcome remarks - The Lancet Group, Richard Horton (Editor-in-Chief; The Lancet)
Session 1: Presentation of the Commission’s report
1:10pm - 1:15pm: The Lancet D&E Commission on Clinical Obesity, Marta Koch (Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology)
1:15pm - 1:20pm: Timeline, commissioners, methods, Nathalie Farpour-Lambert (Switzerland)
1:20pm - 1:25pm: Consensus-development process (Pre-delphi / delphi phase; delphi results) and endorsements - Nasreen Alfaris (Saudi Arabia)
1:25pm - 1:45pm: The Commission’s Report - Overview
The problem we sought to address - Definition of Clinical Obesity; New Diagnostic Framework, General Implications - Francesco Rubino (UK)
1:50pm – 2:02pm: Diagnostic Criteria of Clinical Obesity in Adults – Beyond BMI - Robert Eckel (USA)
2:05pm - 2:17pm: Diagnostic Criteria of Clinical Obesity in Children & Adolescents - Louise Baur (Australia)
2:20pm - 3:05pm: Panel: From BMI-Based Classification to Clinical Diagnosis of Obesity: Implications for Care and Policy - Richard Horton, Stephen O’Rahilly, Katherine McCullough, Stefan Bornstein, Jonathan Valabhji, Tony Vidal Puig
3:05pm - 3:10pm: Report from USA panel
- J. Kirwan, Pennington Biomedical Research Institute, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
- Video Message from Senator Bill Cassidy (U.S. Senate)
3:10pm - 3:30pm: Coffee Break
Session 2: Prevalence of Clinical Obesity, Weight Bias and FAQs
3:30pm - 3:35pm: Mechanisms by which excess adiposity can directly induce illness (pathophysiology of clinical obesity) - Naveed Sattar (UK)
3:37pm - 3:47pm: Prevalence of Clinical and Pre-clinical obesity – Preliminary studies
- USA Study – Eric Ravussin
- Spain Study – Jose Manuel Fernandez Real
- Q&A
3:49pm - 3:54pm: Clinical and Pre-clinical obesity vs Metabolically Healthy/Unhealthy Obesity – Geltrude Mingrone (Italy)
3:57pm - 4:02pm: Can you have pre-clinical obesity and type 2 diabetes? - Alexander Kokkinos (Greece)
4:05pm - 4:10pm: Scope of Care for Clinical and Pre-clinical obesity - John Wilding (UK)
4:13pm - 4:18pm: Healthcare professionals and policymakers should receive proper training to address weight-based bias and stigma - Fatima Cody Stanford (USA)
4:18pm - 5pm: Panel Discussion – Disease or no disease? This is… not the question - Richard Horton, Tony Vidal Puig, Stephen O’Rahilly, Sarah Le Broq, Robert Eckel, Jane Howard
5pm - 5:05pm: Report from USA panel - J. Kirwan, Pennington Biomedical Research Institute, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
5:05pm: Adjourn
Please join us for the global launch of The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Commission on Diagnostic Criteria of Clinical Obesity on 16 January at 1pm - 5pm (GMT).
Endorsed by 75 medical organisations around the world, the Commission sets out a new evidence-based definition of clinical obesity, intended as a chronic, systemic illness directly caused by excess adiposity. The proposal is designed to address limitations in the traditional definition and diagnosis of obesity that hinder clinical practice and healthcare policies, resulting in individuals with obesity not receiving the care they need.
By providing a medically coherent framework for disease diagnosis, the Commission also aims to settle the ongoing dispute around the idea of obesity as a disease, which has been at the centre of one of most controversial and polarising debates in modern medicine.
Attendance is free but registration is required to receive details of the online platform (Zoom).
A Zoom link will be shared to registrants closer to the event. You will need to use the email you registered with to gain access to the event.
Registration is available on a first-come-first-served basis and a waiting list will be in operation if capacity is exceeded. We recommend that you register as early as possible to secure your online access to the event.
Presentations and discussion will begin from 1pm (GMT) with online platform open from 12:30pm (GMT).
The livestream of the launch is organised in partnership with Metabolic Health Institute.
About The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Commission on Diagnostic Criteria of Clinical Obesity
This Commission has been organised as a partnership between the medical journal The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology and King’s Health Partners (KHP) Diabetes, Endocrinology and Obesity.
The Commission involved 56 leading international experts, chaired by Prof Francesco Rubino, Chair of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, King's College London, and Honorary Consultant at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Lancet Commissions bring together leading international experts with a broad range of expertise to address the most pressing issues in global health and clinical medicine. Commissions are science-led inquiries aimed at achieving transformational change, and they are especially focused on policy or political action.
The report from the Commission will be published in a future issue of The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. Previously published Lancet Commissions can be viewed at