縄利狩人會 NawaRiccardo-Kai #4
Sat 12 Apr 2025 1:00 PM - 6:30 PM CEST
Subspace, Prague
The bondage world in Europe and in the West in general, is made mainly of classes and shows. We become proficient and become educators, but we are not kinbakushis. We teach and perform adapting ourselves to the public we have, as it's natural when doing it as a job. During his trips to Japan and working for Sugiura Norio Sensei in his workshops, Wildties realized how much he missed being a kinbakushi rather than just an educator. Private sessions have always been the bread and butter of a kinbakushi's work. From Kinbiken to Phantom show, all kinbakushi gathered their followers and students around them during their private sessions, the place to show and explain their kinbaku views and philosophy.
We are glad to announce the fourth 縄利狩人會 (NawaRiccardo-Kai), the rope meeting for students and fans of Riccardo Wildties.
Following the tradition of his teacher, Wildties decided to recreate the experience of the Nawa Naka Kai, Naka Akira's private session series held in Tokyo, and to which Wildties participated three times as a rigger. Under the suggestion of Naka Sensei the event has been named 縄利狩人會, which translates Nawa Riccardo Kai, the club of Riccardo's rope, but depending on how the kanji is read it also can translate Rope Hunters Club. And we like to consider it a place for people that are hunting for the beauty of traditional Japanese bondage, eager to watch it, discuss it, breath it.
It is a private session to tie for real, without music, without limits, sharing with the public the love for the style of rope that we represent. It is an occasion to see Wildties tie every time different models, and appreciate the different kind of interaction with each.
But the Nawa Kai is more than that, it's a place to talk, to share stories and experiences, to discuss about the japanese interpretation of rope, without the need for political correctness that is so widespread in workshops and other rope events. It's a place to hear about Wildties' experiences with Naka Sensei and what he has lived and learned in his trips in Japan. It is a great occasion to learn more, and be part, of this legacy. It is an occasion to share views on aesthetic and philosophy, to talk about our history and to broaden our Kinbaku culture.
Looking and appreciating bondage, is the best way to learn, and Riccardo Wildties himself always said that he learnt more by observing Naka Sensei tying than in any class.
Agenda (timing may slightly change)
1 pm Doors open
1.30 pm First session Sansei Sansei & Azrea No Nawa
2.30 pm Talk session
3.15 pm Second session Riccardo Wildties & Anna Noctuelle
4.15 pm Talk session
5 pm Third session Riccardo Wildties & Redsabbath
6 pm Talk Session
6.45 Closing
To keep the sessions intimate a limited number of places are available. Priority goes to recurrent students.
Please note that the live sessions migh include full nudity and Consensual non Consent. Please join only if comfortable.
Subspace, Prague