Thu 26 Mar 2020 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM CET
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Enterprise, VL1117
ENHANCING FINANCIAL CAPABILITY THROUGH RESEARCH-DRIVEN COMMUNICATION is the Annual Financial Capability Seminar for 2019 organised by ĠEMMA Know, Plan, Act within the Office of the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity which is the Maltese Government's platform promoting financial capability, under the auspices of Dr Michael Falzon, Minister for the Family, Children's Rights and Social Solidarity.
The objective of this seminar is to highlight the role which research into Christmas spending habits, conducted over the past two Christmases, and insights from focus groups coming from different socio-economic groups, plays when communicating to enhance financial capability. This research, which is available to the public, can further assist the different stakeholders in fashioning their communication be they educators (reaching kids at an early age), financial service providers (fashioning their marketing campaigns to better interest potential clients), company owners (improving wellbeing in the workplace: financial stability is one of the key factors behind employee engagement) and human resource directors (devising wellbeing programmes, talent retention and acquisition) among others. You may download the programme here.
The results of research commissioned by the ĠEMMA Know, Plan, Act will be presented following an introductory keynote speech addressing the propensity of rational beings preferring current consumption at the expense of future financial stability after retirement.
The manner in which these research findings may be leveraged to help better empower financial capability and encourage people to take up of Third Pillar initiatives will also be addressed and participants may give their input and suggestions interactively.
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Enterprise, VL1117