Kx Teams Day online
Wed 21 Jun 2023 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM BST
Via Zoom
Revisiting Movement
How wonderful to be together again, online, after our Community of Practice in Coventry in February. We get to revisit our key themes for Movement. These are…
founded on prayer and leader well-being
fuelled by disciple-making
furthered by micro-planting
fulfilled in (1 in 1000) city-reaching
With fresh bite-sized inputs on the key themes from Rich Robinson, Cath Livesey, Nic Harding, Dave Hammond (the speakers from the Coventry COP) we will have a chance to see what progress we are making, revisit our hopes and update our plans
Please bring as many of your team as you can, so you can do the process times with others.
We start at 9.30 and will finish by 1pm. We urge you to log on at least 10 mins beforehand to avoid any connection or administration issues.
Tickets cost just £5 per person. You'll receive a zoom link along with your order confirmation email.
Looking forward to being with you
Rich Robinson
Cath Livesey
Nic Harding
David Hammond