Leadership and Menopause Focus Night
Tue 17 Sep 2024 7:30 PM - 9:15 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Join Amy Summerfield- CEO Kyria Network and Lisa Leonce- Kyria Diversity and Inclusion Director via Zoom for an inspiring and informative night on Leadership and Menopause.
Our next Leadership and Menopause focus is particularly for church leaders, both male and female. Our aim is to provide a space for leaders to come and learn so they can understand the issues around menopause more. As Kyria continues to advocate for women leaders in a holistic way, part of the process is about helping the Church to be accountable for women in their life journey. If, however, the Church is not your major leadership context, this evening will still encourage you in ways to help and learn.
Join Jo and Karen as they impart the insights that come from their experience and training, along with the spiritual formation they have nurtured in that arena. Their knowledge and teaching, along with the space they create, will encourage leaders who are supporting and advocating for women in any season of menopause, or who are in this season themselves.
Only content from our contributers will be recorded, edited and released for you to watch back later (i.e. no breakout or group chats will be recorded).
Jo Ibbott
Jo is a Church Leader & Executive Coach who works with leaders and those at a transition point in their career. www.courage-coaching.co.uk She became curious about something she observed happening to women and their careers in mid life which led her to focus on the impact of perimenopause and menopause. Jo trained as an Executive Menopause Coach in 2020 and has since worked with a range of organisations delivering menopause awareness training and support. Jo coaches women who are finding work hard due to symptoms. She also runs a successful Facebook Group
called What the Fog? , a menopause education hub and #FogFest all of which support those navigating menopause with good information, guidance, community and advice. Jo is married and mum to three grown up young women who are all very well informed about menopause! What the Fog?
Karen Markiewicz
Karen is a Chaplain, Coach and Associate Minister in England. Karen
brings 15 years of missionary experience and a Masters’ Degree in
Spiritual Formation to her work in chaplaincy. Karen is due to publish her
first book that explores spiritual formation and the menopause, which
takes a look at her research into women’s faith journey through
menopause. Her passion for spiritual formation drives her upcoming
online initiative, Menopause Pilgrims launching this year. This offers
practical pastoral support and community to Christian women navigating
their menopausal journey through a spiritual lens.
Karen is currently looking for women to share their stories of how
perimenopause and menopause may have affected their faith and
spiritual journey either negatively or from a positive perspective. She is looking to include women’s lived experiences anonymously in her book.
She is also passionate about including what can help our spiritual
journey through menopause and is looking for women to share prayers,
meditations, and insights into what helped them journey with God
through this season of life.
If you can help Karen please contact her on the following email:
Karen Markiewicz karen@menopausepilgrims.com