2024 BC Labour Market Year-in-Review Workshop
Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:00 AM - Mon Dec 2, 2024 3:30 PM
Overcoming Obstacles in the Labour Market
In the past two years we’ve found the job market has deteriorated rapidly for youth, immigrants, Indigenous Canadians and those with disabilities, making it considerably harder to find and keep a job. This year’s BC Labour Market Year-in-Review Workshop provides a framework to support those in career transition to understand these changes and overcome them.
Topics will include:
- Creating a framework of the labour market which makes sense for job seekers and students
- Major government programs and announcements from the past year with a look at BC Election 2024 promises
- What is the impact of the cap on int’l students, temporary foreign workers and the hours int’l students can work?
- Strategies for overcoming the challenges faced by youth, immigrants, Indigenous Canadians and those with disabilities.
- Overview of key labour market research, reports and labour market tools released during 2024
- Utilizing LMI to make informed choices around education, training and other skills enhancement.
- Where is LMI failing career professionals and what can be done about it.
Learn more: www.labourmarketonline.com/lmiworkshop