Virtual Summer Camp
Mon 5 Jul 2021 10:00 AM - Fri 9 Jul 2021 2:00 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
Summer Camp 2021 is virtual at Lakeshore Arts! Campers (ages 8-12) will have the opportunity to work with professional Indigenous artists and explore new art forms and techniques in a week-long day camp, from the comfort of their own homes. Morning and afternoon workshops are led by three different Indigenous artist facilitators, and together we will get creative with a variety of artistic mediums.
Campers will receive an art supply box which will contain all the art supplies needed to engage in all ten workshops throughout the week. The art supply boxes will be available for pick up from the Lakeshore Arts studio front space for contactless pick up on Wednesday June 30th.
Additional proceeds raised from registration fees will be donated once again to ArtsCan Circle which is a non-profit Indigenous organization that sends Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists to engage First Nation, Innu, Inuit and Metis youth in remote northern communities across Canada.
Program Details
All workshops will be held virtually via Zoom. When you register your child for this week-long Summer Camp, they will be enrolled in all ten workshops.
Workshop dates and times:
Monday July 5th 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Tuesday July 6th 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Wednesday July 7th 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Thursday July 8th 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Friday July 9th 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Workshop Details
There are a total of three different artists that will lead workshops in a variety of different art forms including watercolour painting, character creation and drawing, and art that explores reflective self-expression. A specific breakdown of every workshop will be available soon.
To learn more about our Virtual Summer Camp program visit:
Art Supply Boxes
Art supply materials will be provided to participants by way of an art supply box. These boxes will be available for contactless pick up on Wednesday, June 30th at the Lakeshore Arts storefront studio space (2422 Lake Shore Blvd W) between 10:30 AM and 3:30 PM. LSA is currently looking into the possibility of offering the delivery of art supply boxes to anyone who is unable to pick them up from the Lakeshore Arts studio space on July 30th (TBD). Please note that if you are registering your child and you reside outside of the Etobicoke area, you must be able to pick up your art supply box at Lakeshore Arts at the above said pick-up date and time. Please contact the Program Coordinator at for any inquiries or updates regarding the potential of the art supply box deliveries to campers.
Accessibility Accommodations or Concerns.
Please include in the registration any necessary information our staff should know to enhance your child’s experience in our program. If you would like accommodations for any barriers to accessing this program, please let us know by emailing and we will do our best to provide them. Workshops will be live-captioned. We can provide printed materials, large font sizes, flexible camera-on policy, co-registration of a support person, and free participation. All information shared will be kept private and confidential.
Registration Deadline is June 25th
Terms and Conditions
FEES - The fee for the Summer Camp Online program is $50.00. We also offer a PWYC option (pay-what-you-can), with an encouraged donation amount of your choosing made if possible. However, payment is not mandatory to participate in this program.
MAX # OF PARTICIPANTS - Registration is limited to a maximum of 20 participants, and it will be determined based on first-come, first-served. Spaces are limited and we ask that people please only register if you are available for the full 1 week program. Staff will confirm enrolment via email and provide you with more details leading up to the program. Please know that all decisions made regarding program registration are at the discretion of the programming staff.
WAITLIST - If all spaces are full, you will be placed on a waitlist and be contacted by programming staff when/if a space becomes available.
CANCELLATION - Should a participant need to cancel their enrolment, you will be required to do so no less than one week prior to the start date of the program so we can offer the opportunity to another participant on the waitlist.
MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT - Participants in this program will need to have access to a computer or comparable device, and an internet connection, with the capability to use sound and video during Zoom sessions.
RESTRICTIONS, ACCOMMODATIONS OR CONCERNS - Please include in the registration any necessary information our staff should know to enhance your child’s experience in our program. If you would like accommodations for any barriers to accessing this program, please let us know and we will do our best to provide them. We can provide printed materials, large font sizes, closed captioning, flexible camera-on policy, co-registration of a support person, and free participation. All information shared will be kept private and confidential.
MEDIA CONSENT - This program is documented in the form of photographs, recorded workshop videos and footage and testimonials will be used as marketing/promotional materials on Lakeshore Arts website, social media pages and channels as well as third-party media providers such as community newspapers, local/national newspapers and television channels. Please indicate whether you agree to this, or if you prefer not to.
ANTI-OPPRESSIVE SPACE - By registering for this program you are agreeing to participate in a harassment-free, safe, affirming space. Homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, classism, racism, audism, or body shaming will not be tolerated in our spaces, online or in-person. If any participant is found to be behaving in ways that are considered to be oppressive and harmful, a range of steps may be taken, including educational discussions and up to ejection from the space.
If you have further questions please contact our Program Coordinator at