LAMchesterV2 #3 Shopping and Afterparty with bar/food in the city centre
Sun 25 Jul 2021 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM BST
Gorilla, M1 5WW
Come and go ape @Gorilla for LAMchesterV2 #3 Sunday 25th July @Gorilla
Entrance via Great Marlborough Street
On 25th July LAMchester are following up on their sell out events in May and June with the next instalment, shopping, workshops, bar, social and after party in the heart of the city below Oxford Street train station. LAM events are Kink+ and open to everyone regardless of gender, sexuality or personal circumstances, we offer a non judgemental environment for exploring kink weather you are a de sade devotee or relatively new to exploring this aspect of your sexuality.
Stock up on candles to you can see where you kink life is heading, make sure you have reading material or commission a flogger for that special person in your life we will aim to have the best available selection of stalls given the space available.
The schedule for the events is:
- 12pm ~ doors open
- 1pm ~ Newbie and returners orientation
- 2pm ~ Healthy Mental Practices with @SceneCounsellor
- 3pm ~ Funishments workshop
- 6pm ~ stalls close
- 7pm ~ after party opens
- 10:30 ~ cool down starts
- 11pm ~ event closes
Food and drink are available throughout the event, guest dining is in the "Gin Nest" at the front of the venue ensuring a relaxed service without exposure to the vanillas. The menu has a range of breakfast/brunch items as well as pancakes, small and large dishes, tacos and dessert.
Venue Covid Policy
Please ensure you read and follow the venues Covid policy when attending the event.
Early bird tickets are available until 11th July and advance tickets until 11pm the night before.
If you are a wheelchair user access to the event via the main entrance on Whitworth Street to avoid the four or five steps up. The venue is on one level apart form the mezzanine workshop area and dining area. As always if you let us know in advance we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Covid regulations
The event is fully compliant with covid regulations and the guidelines for England which apply to all events apply to this one as well.
Sanitation stations are present throughout the event which guests, crew and traders are encouraged to use. The crew and traders will have all tested with lateral flow test kits on the morning of the event, we encourage others to do the same now that the kits are more widely available.
Show you clear lateral flow test kit in a sealed bag on arrival to get a free raffle ticket and a chance to win £30 of ticket vouchers, winner announced 1 hour before event closes. If you fail your test or need to isolate because of symptoms or track and trace let us know and in addition to refunding your tickets we will also put you in for a draw for £30 for doing the right thing and staying away. Please don't attend if your symptomatic or concerned you might be, always test and know for your safety and ours.
Details of the event are subject to change if the regulations do not change as anticipated but we will do our best to keep the ticket tailor listing updated with all the latest information.
We look forward to welcoming you back to the next event. in a new temporary home.
On behalf of LAMchester
Gorilla, M1 5WW