LEAP Digital Health Hub - Research funding call information session
Thu 4 Jul 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM BST
Online, Microsoft Teams
LEAP Digital Health Hub is welcoming applications for funding for digital health research projects. This 1-hour information session is aimed at anyone who didn't attend our recent sandpit events and is looking to get an introductory overview of the Hub’s funding call, including details on:
- The Hub's research themes
- Eligibility
- Costing
- Project management and reporting
- Application review process
- Assessment criteria
There will be also an opportunity to ask questions.
Please visit our website to find out more about the call: Research funding | LEAP Digital Health Hub (leap-hub.ac.uk)
This is the first of two information sessions, the second is on Friday 12 July at 10am - 11am - please note, both sessions will cover the same information and it is only necessary to attend one event.