Maternity & Gynaecology Careers Open Day 2024
Sat 10 Feb 2024 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
James Allen Room, Thackray Medical Museum, LS9 7LN
The maternity and gynaecology teams at Leeds Teaching Hospitals are holding an open day event on Saturday 10th February to showcase their amazing work and everything we can offer you in your future career. Our event is aimed at anyone who would like to learn more about all the job roles that make our services run smoothly.
There are a huge range of career options available in our services, including entry roles in clinical support or administration, as well as midwifery, management (clinical and non-clinical), medical or nursing roles specialising in children's or gynaecological health. We will also be joined by colleagues from our Neonatal and Children's services, who we work closely with.
You will be able to meet over 20 representatives of the roles that support us to provide safe and personalised care to the families of Leeds and surrounding areas.
Stalls include:
- University of Leeds to discuss entry requirements for aspiring midwives
- Preceptorship Midwife to discuss our highly regarded Preceptorship Package for newly qualified midwives
- Research Midwives to tell you all about how our families contribute to continuous discovery and learning
- Clinical Educators who lead the everyday practical and mandatory training. Make sure you catch one of their birth demonstrations on the day!
- Student and Newly Qualified Midwives to talk about their experiences in their early careers
- Children's and Neonatal Nurses to talk about looking after babies who need specialist care after they are born
- Gynaecology Nurses to showcase the fantastic services we offer to women of all ages in Leeds
- Maternity Support Workers who are the heroes of the maternity department
- Delivery Suite and Homebirth Midwives who empower families every day
- Workforce Team to tell you about how we look after and develop our staff and plan for our future workforce
- Plus many more including our specialist midwifery teams.
Please book your tickets by selecting 'Join the guestlist' and choose an admission time. Remember to book a ticket for anyone you bring with you so we can monitor attendee numbers.
The venue is in a separate building to Leeds General Infirmary and St James's University Hospital.
There is a cafe for refreshments at the museum. Paid parking is available but please be mindful that the venue is next to St James' Hospital and therefore may be busy. The museum is situated on bus routes and is a 40 minute walk from the train station or a 30 minute walk from the bus station.
If you have any queries or need to cancel your ticket please contact Bryony or Olivia on
We look forward to seeing you all there!
James Allen Room, Thackray Medical Museum, LS9 7LN