Ceardlann Beochana - Dúlra Draíochta / Animation Workshop – Magic Nature
Sat 18 Nov 2023 11:00 - 12:00
Leixlip Community Library, W23 WR96
This workshop, led by screenwriter Richie Conroy (Two by Two, Malory Towers, The Ugly Duckling) will introduce children into the world of animation, how to draw and create characters. Richie will show examples from his own films to inspire the participants' creativity and encourage them to look at the magic of nature through artists' eyes.
Target audience/ages 8 – 12
Beidh an cheardlann seo trí Ghaeilge ach fáilte roimh chách
Supported by Creative Ireland
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Leixlip Community Library, W23 WR96