Q & A with a Child Psychologist
Tue 14 Nov 2023 19:00 - 20:30 GMT
Online, MS Teams
A Question and Answer Session with a Child Psychologist
NB: The closing date for receipt for questions has now unfortunately closed and we cannot take any more questions - but if you wish to attend you are welcome to do so.
Presented by Rosario Power (HSE Clinical Psychologist)
Parents are always curious about their children’s development and often wonder things like -
“Should I be worried if my child does….?
Or “How can I help my child cope with …?
Or “How can I stop my child doing…..?”
The topics covered in this talk will be guided by parents who attend. Parents/ carers were invited to send in questions that they would like to hear the Psychologists answers to. The one hour presentation will attempt to answer the questions received and if time allows perhaps some additional ones that arise on the night.
NB: Questions should be submitted in advance by Tuesday 10th October.