Solutions to Tyranny; When Voting is Broken – Committees and Natural Law
Thu Feb 2, 2023 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM MST
Food Storage Depot, 84095
Solutions to Tyranny – When Voting is Broken
Can you keep your republic?
Understanding lawful principles and protected rights that anyone can use to solve tyranny.
Using natural law and committees to restore the proper role of government.
Make sure you've already seen our December event, as this event will continue our discussion in a deep dive on the principles of solving tyranny with natural law.
In December we exposed and clearly identified a shadow governmental system that controls much of Utah and America to this very day!
(You can watch December's event here:
Are you tired of your activism efforts feeling like they're getting nowhere? Have you supported plenty of campaigns but still wonder why little-to-nothing gets better in the big picture?
There's hope for restoring the true principles of Republicanism and free-government in Utah. Now that we've learned how we've lost our system to a shadow government, we are prepared to understand how to claim our country back, based on lawful, honest principles.
If you're new to Defending Utah, make sure you're caught up on the foundation of Secret Combinations, (this book or this video can catch you up to speed on different pieces of it).
In-person seating is limited.
Event Date: Thursday Feb 2nd, 2023 (7:00 PM)
In-Person: $5
Two in person locations will be linked up together.
Salt Lake County:
Food Storage Depot
10366 South Redwood Rd, Unit A
South Jordan, UT 84095
Southern Utah:
Staheli West
600 N Airport Rd
Cedar City, UT 84721
Just added!
Weber County Location
Please Support our Sponsors:
Cardio Miracle - 15% Discount Code: DEFENDINGUTAH
Seven Prep Steps, Be Prepared -
Food Storage Depot, Utah's local preparedness store -
Health Saves, alternative health clinic -
LDS Freedom Books -
Allegiance Real Estate -
Global Remarketing -
Andersen Accounting -
Integra Law -
Freedoms Rising Sun, Material to teach your family the constitution in your home -
Water of Champions -
Higher Calling Firearms -
Mount Zerin Ministries, get your religious exemption verified -
Food Storage Depot, 84095